Brief Overview

The Southern style of praying mantis is not as widely spread or as popularised when compared to its Northern counterpart. It is considered a more secretive and difficult style to learn. It was developed by the Hakka Chinese when the need for self defence was important. The style of Southern Mantis is not tied to one type of technique, as there are many controlling and trapping manoeuvres. The mantis hook is used aswell as a preferred mantis fist. The stances are low and more firmly set to the ground, high kicks are not used. Instead there is large use of low powerful kicks, knees, and elbows. The style is potentially lethal as everything is designed for 100% power. There is a concentration on the Ying/Yang philosophy and practitioners are skilled in death/destruction techniques (Dim-Mak) aswell as arts of healing. Chu Gar, Chow Gar and Bamboo Forest Temple are three schools that have developed and each share much in common.
